NGL Energy Crude Oil Logistics

Operations Overview

The Crude Oil Logistics segment purchases crude oil from producers and transports it to refineries or for resale at pipeline injection stations, storage terminals, barge loading facilities, rail facilities, refineries, and other trade hubs.

Asset Overview

Grand Mesa Pipeline

NGL Energy Partners is a 100% owner of the Grand Mesa Pipeline (“Grand Mesa”) that transports crude from the DJ Basin to NGL’s storage facility in Cushing, Oklahoma. Grand Mesa is a 550 mile, 20” diameter pipeline that can transport up to 150,000 bpd of crude oil. With origins in Weld County, Colorado, Grand Mesa is well positioned to serve the growing DJ Basin / Niobrara production area. More information on the Grand Mesa Pipeline, including tariff, can be found here: Grand Mesa Pipeline

Other Crude Assets

  • 100% interest in Grand Mesa Pipeline; 150 MBPD capacity
  • Own 6 storage terminal facilities
  • 3.6 MMBBLS of storage in Cushing, OK
  • 1.6 MMBBLS of storage in addition to Cushing
  • LACT units
  • GP railcars leased or owned

Grand Mesa Tanks
Lucerne, CO Grand Mesa Tanks

Crude Oil Logistics Management

Don Robinson

Executive Vice President – Crude Oil Logistics